At Dr. Dorn & Associates, we have developed a reputation that brings women to High Point from as far away as Tennessee when they cannot find the care they desire locally. Our C-section rate is among the lowest in the region, and our successful Vaginal Birth After C-section (VBAC) rate is the highest.
Our Maternity Care includes:
Natural Childbirth
Some women elect to have a natural childbirth because techniques are noninvasive, which reduces the risk of harm or side effects for the mother and baby. In a natural childbirth there’s no loss of alertness or sensation, you’re less likely to need medications or aids to make your contractions stronger, and you maintain control over your body through the entire process.
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
VBAC is vaginal childbirth after the woman giving birth previously had a surgical delivery (cesarean). Sometimes women are forced to have a surgical delivery due to complications or other things out of their control, or they elect to give birth that way the first time. But when having their next child they want to have a vaginal birth. Unfortunately, many myths surround VBAC childbirth so many OBGYN practices don’t offer VBAC services.
High-Risk Obstetrics
Your pregnancy is considered high-risk if you have specific health problems that increase the risk of problems with you or your baby. It’s scary to think of your pregnancy as “high-risk” but it just ensures that we pay special attention to you and your baby during your pregnancy. And being at high-risk does not guarantee that you or your baby will suffer any problems as a result. It’s precautionary. If you have health problems such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney disease, or epilepsy you will be considered high-risk. Which make you more at-risk for problems, such as: slowed growth for the baby, preeclampsia, problems with the placenta, and preterm labor.
Genetics Testing
Whether or not the mother or father of the baby have a personal or family history of a genetic disorder, your child could still be at risk. All genetics testings during pregnancy are optional, but we encourage them. Birth defects that are often screened during pregnancy include trisomy 18, Down syndrome, and open neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.
Management of Breech Pregnancies
(including External Cephalic Version or Delivery)
Breech births occur in 1 of every 25 full-term births (approximately). A baby is considered in a breech position when the feet and buttocks are positioned to be delivered first. A breech pregnancy is typically diagnosed a few weeks before the due date. Through feeling the mother’s abdomen we can locate the baby’s head, buttocks, and back to determine if the baby may be in a breech position. Then we use an ultrasound to confirm.
If the baby is in a breech position, there are a few methods to try to turn the baby around. Including External Cephalic Version. In which, we administer medication to the mother that relaxes the uterus. The fetus’ heart rate is then monitored as the doctor presses on the mother’s abdomen to push the fetus’ head toward the birth canal. It can cause discomfort to the mother but it also has a very high success rate.